Sunday, April 13, 2008

Insomnia and wet-mop

In an attempt to be clever (don't look for it, I failed miserably), I looked up the word insomniac in a thesaurus. The word insomniac is actually listed in the list of synonyms. And my brain is too tired to make something funny out of that...

My lack of sleep is making this post difficult. I reread my sentence and found half of it missing. (sigh)

Not having the vast knowledge of herbs and vitamins and their uses as both of my sisters-in-law, I consulted the internet (or interweb, to some people-another story for another time.) only to learn from the 6 websites that I did visit before I angrily threw the pillow and unplugged the laptop, that I am either too stressed, or too mental.

Well, isn't that just peachy. I don't feel stressed. Work is fine. Not work is fine. So according to everything I just read, I'm a mental case!?!? Of course!

I think some guy, possibly named Bob, was sitting around one day, completely bored. He looked over at his friend, Joe, and said "Hey, let's mess with idiots who can't sleep and are already irritable, grumpy, and exhausted. We could put up a bunch of websites telling them they're mental. It'll be great!"

Thanks, Bob. You're freaking swell.

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