Sunday, January 25, 2009

Since my last post:

It was colder here than at the North Pole;

Yes, that does read Outside Temp -19

My brother called me a yuppie (again) (apparently, Two Subarus, two Columbian coats, and a Laptop Desk = Yuppie);

I found my mailbox;

It is still light out when I leave work;

Mom and Dad celebrated their 38th anniversary;

I turned my keys in to Mary. (Thanks, Little Don!) That feels good. It's like a cloud of oppression has been lifted. Two bad things in my life have been let go and replaced with a good job with people who are good influences. More like the kind of people I want to be;

and Alyssa had a birthday. (actually, that's today. Happy Birthday, Alyssa!)

I'm happier than I have been in a few years, and to express the happy/adorable-things-make-me-smileness of it all, here's a picture of Cheyenne, curled up all cute in my lap:

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