Sunday, July 31, 2011

If a Song Could Be President

"John Prine would run the FBI" - Over The Rhine

A few weeks ago, my boss was announced as the new Chairman of the Winnebago County Republican Central Committee.

You may, or may not, remember that in 2009 he briefly ran for State Representative of the 68th District. (I wrote his webpage and was working on the campaign). He ran due to the announcement that Dave Winters would not be running for the position again. When Winters changed his mind and announced his candidacy for reelection, my boss decided that, since he fully supported Winters, he would not run against him and dropped out. It was understandable, but disappointing for me as this was a wonderful opportunity and experience.

Two weeks ago, the Event Coordinator for the WCRCC announced she had found a new position. As this is an extremely part-time position (roughly 3 to 4 hours a week), when the announcement was made in our office, I semi-jokingly said I'd do it.

Friday, for the third time that week, my boss said that if I was interested he could change the hours that someone needed to be in the office (once a week for a few hours) so that I wouldn't lose much time at work, and could easily make up the hours.

After discussing with Husband, I will be submitting my Letter of Interest tomorrow and finalizing details to confirm this will, in fact, work with my schedule.

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