Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hello, my name is "No! No! Bad Dog!"

Our Office Manager found employment elsewhere. Her position has not been filled, though we did hire a part-timer to help out a little bit. I was using that computer the other afternoon, as it is the only one with a scanner, and fell in love with the keyboard. It was new and had all sorts of extra buttons; volume control and cd player buttons, as well as quick internet buttons. There are two other computers located in the vicinity and as I was working I indicated to the other two ladies that "I love this keybaord! I want this keyboard!" Of course, I was not planning on switching keyboards, as I assumed the part timer enjoyed the newness and useful buttons as well. I went on about my business and never thought more of it... until the next morning when one of the two aforementioned ladies (whom, by the way, has worked in the office little more than a week) came to me and said exactly this: "You know that keyboard you wanted? Well she doesn't want it 'cause it doesn't fit in her drawer, but I tried to hook it up and I don't think you can. It's not a regular plug, it's a weird rectangle thing."

When I informed her that it was probably a usb, she asked if I could help her hook it up. On her computer. Which I did, politely even.


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