Monday, January 26, 2009

More Birthdays!

Happy Birthday Kathy!!!

Happy Chinese New Year Everyone! Year of the Earth Ox. Ok.

I was looking more closely at my blog tonight (someone found my blog by googling happy hippo ice scraper) and found that I dropped from 62 posts in 2007 to 38 posts in 2008. That's just sad. So. I've decided to try and do better this year. Which reminded me of something else:

My first real job was in a small office and, having worked there for 7 years, the owners friends became my friends. After I got married, one of their friends gave me some marital advice. He said "The way to make sure you're marriage doesn't degrade over the years is to put a jar under the bed. Every time you (and here I turned bright red and everyone had a good laugh) have marital relations with your husband, put a jelly bean in the jar. The next year, put another jar under the bed and every time you have marital relations, move a jelly bean from the first jar to the second jar. At the end of the year all the jelly beans should be moved to the second jar. And do that every year, making sure all the jelly beans move to the next jar." Of course, this became a big joke. He moved to Florida and every time he called he would ask how the jars were doing and I would tell him that the city of Rockford was out of jelly beans and could he please send more.

Yeah. Good times.
(sorry mom; dad; grandma)

Dear Jerry,

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