Saturday, September 12, 2009


When did that happen? Where did my summer go?

We still have our house guests, with no sign of them ever leaving. Still not on the waiting list for the apartment with Shelter Care Ministries and now her wages have gone DOWN.
Apparently, the company is being bought and the new owners have decided they don't need to pay hourly wages, people can work for tips only... in a place where they don't get alot of business, so there's not alot of tips, either. When you employ illegal immigrants, you can get away with this because nobody will turn you in. These people are working hard and whether they are illegal or not, everyone there is treated like slave labor. Sad.

On the upside, I got her an interview and a restaraunt on Monday. This one is closer to our house and definitely not the type to TOTALLY screw an employee over. The hiring manager seemed pretty excited to have a prospect. Keep her in your prayers.

I have purchased the domain and planned on having it up and running by now. It's not up and running. But with good reason. I am working on a website for my boss, who is running for Illinois State Representative. Pretty exciting since I know absolutely nothing about politics. Since Heath is now out of the hospital and healing nicely, I have devoted all my spare time to this website. I have learned all sorts of new things and am excited to be able to use a lot of it for my tailoredtohire page. I am currently working on getting his announcement speech on his site ( but am having some difficulty. Ok, a lot of difficulty. 7 hours last night (I kept falling asleep for a few minutes, then waking up and trying something new that wouldn't work and then starting over again) I finally gave up and shut it down ... well... I don't know. The last time I really looked at the clock was 1:30. I have been working on it about 3 hours today. I have checked the coding and am positive it is done correctly. Heath finally mentioned that maybe our Host Server doesn't have the option to play video turned on. Wish he would have brought that to my attention oh, say 24 hours ago. I am trying to go through photobucket until we get that resolved. I'm not using my Picassa account because that puts the account information on the video and that's not very professional. Hopefully photobucket doesn't do the same. We'll find out shortly.

So, there you have it. That is where I have disappeared to this week. And probably most of next. I was honored to have him ask me to write it and to be able to support him as I agree with the views I have heard him express in my almost year of employment with him. Also excited to attend all the political shindigs that I never thought I would ever be interested in. Amazing what being involved will do for a person.

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