Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Top of the List

This last week definitely made its way into the top ten Worst Weeks Ever. My stress, part of which is by default as I sit helplessly by and watch my amazingly wonderful husband take on more “weight” than the cables on the Golden Gate Bridge, my cold is not helping either. This just keeps getting better.

Since my husband and I are freakishly linked and co-dependant, when he is stressed and having a bad day I feel that I should somehow spend even more amount of time with him and spoil him as much as he will allow. And since I have been extraordinarily tired lately (I blame the extra work and now this lovely cold) I had no problem using that as an excuse to... well, if I am being completely honest here--blow off my bible reading/study and devoted prayer time, which I have been doing a lot lately (under the excuse of “We’re flipping a house and working full time--I’m tired"--and I now hang my head in shame as I remember my pastors’ wife reads my blog). Those of you now gasping in horror--yea, I know. The reading has been a little lacking lately anyway, though I do pray a lot. Mostly at work. The “Lord, I am one more stupid question or having to repeat myself away from losing it--please help.” variety. Of course, this week has been more focused on home I really have not taken the devoted time I usually do as I have justified it by saying that my husband needs me. Now he would flip out right about now if he knew that I was indicating that my reasoning was because of him as he fully supports me and my beliefs so I will point out for those who may have missed it the line above that states “I had no problem using that as an excuse” meaning that, while I did want to be with and comfort my husband, it was not BECAUSE of him.

Anyway, as the week progressed each day got a little worse, and each day I just wanted to spend more time with Heath making it better. Until Wednesday. When it got way more worse. About double. Then it hit me. What we needed was not for me to lazily lounge in my oh-so-comfy chair watching cartoons and hanging out with my husband. We needed me to pray. And not the “Oh-no Lord, please, help us through this” then move on to something else. So I did, and I grabbed my study bible again which, I will embarrassingly admit only for the sake of accountability and I hope it does not attest to my house-keeping skills, had a small but still noticeable layer of dust across the top.

Thursday morning I found something important that had been lost and was able to make Heath much happier; Friday morning I received a voice message my brother sent the Thursday night that made me much happier, and a cold, but other than that I can say that I definitely feel much better.

So, I have decided to give the Bible Through The Year another shot. Stay tuned for more on that.

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