Thursday, June 07, 2007

Happy Birthday, Dad

Oops. So, I get online today to write another post, and I find that my Happy Birthday, Dad entry from Thursday (his birthday) is still in Draft and was never actually "published". So now it is an I'm Sorry, Dad post. And Happy Birthday, too.


Anonymous said...

I wished I would of checked this board after 3 to see this, Thank you. (Does this mean you won't paint my house green and kick me to the curb? or I wonder if this is the nice before the other shoe drops.)

Wanda said...

3:05 was the time I saved the draft, so I guess that is proof that I did do the Happy Birthday post on your birthday, I just didn't finish it until Saturday :)

I won't paint your house green and kick you to the curb, however, if you have room for some bookshelves.....