Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day

I love Labor Day. I don't love labor. Don't get the two confused.

I have fond memories of this holiday. The MDA telethon, fondue, and family.
Every year, mom would prepare all this stuff for a fondue and we would turn on the telethon (back when it was on all night long) and we would settle into the living room and watch, occasionally heating up our food/snacks throughout the night. It is a tradition that I miss. While I still turn it on every year to see how good ol' Jerry is doing, and to see if I can understand a word Charo is saying yet, it will never be the same (except that I still can't understand a word Charo is saying).

(p.s. today was a three-post day, so if you're really bored, don't forget to read the rest of them below)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember as a little boy, visiting someone my parents knew, they lived on a lake or river, and they had a boy we only saw a glimps of. He had MS or MD, That is not why we turned on the telethon, I was to young to understand. We turned it on because of Jerry Lewis. It doesn't matter why you start to watch it, it is what you get and do from watching it. It doesn't matter if you give on labor day or by filling the "boot" or a jar or buying a Shamrock during the year. It all helps and that is what it is all about. It is good knowing that memories were made and a tradition is carried on. I wish it was still on from start to end, in real time, like it was. Funny how things changed. Use to be the phones had cords and TV used air waves, now Phones are wireless and TVs are tied to the wall by cords. The part I don't remeber or was sleeping is when Charo said somthing, I never knew she talked!