Saturday, November 11, 2006

My Gratitude

Thank you, Walmart.

Thank you for building too close to my home.
Thank you for closing off one of two entrances I always use to my subdivision while you are constructing.
Thank you for the soon to increase traffic in my area.
Thank you for making it nearly impossible for me to leave said entrance once you are up and running and the increased traffic is in my area.
Thank you for all of the new stop lights going up outside my subdivision.
and most importantly:
Thank you for scheduling your contractors to do plumbing today; for leaving me with almost no water on the day of my cookie party.


Katherine said...

effing Walmart. They're so insidious.

Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed of yourself, thinking of only the negative.

Look how many will benefit by having less traffic due to your neighbors losing their business to Wal-Mart.

Think of the extra spending power you have because of all the low wages paid at Wal-Mart, making more lower income families, making them more dependant on the Wal-Mart stores.

Look at the chance you will get to help more people as your taxes are increased to provide Health and Welfare for the Wal-Mart employees.

Think of how good you will feel paying more on your property taxes to provide the tax cut incentives that was giving so Wal-Mart would build there and further pad the pockets of the Wal-Mart elite.

Think of how special you are that you can look out your window, and instead of seeing a cornfield, growing corn for food and fuel, you can see a Wal-Mart, growing strong by stepping on anything or person that slows them down.

Yes we should all thank Sam Walton for giving us those Sam's Clubs and Wal-Mart stores so we can enjoy a slow downward decline on our economy.

Wanda said...

Dear anonymous,
You rock and your cynicism rivals my own. Thank you for sharing!