Monday, November 27, 2006

"You Can't Fix Stupid"--Ron White

After a weeks worth of stupid in three days I was looking forward to my four day weekend--which I will get to later. But first I feel I should let you in on some of the stupid as it really is such a waste to not share it. Overheard last week--
Employee #1: “Check in (client name here) files to see if this bill has been paid--there will be a copy of the check in one of (name three files here).”

Employee #2: “What do you mean?”

Employee #1: “We need to see if this bill has been paid. If it has there will be a copy of the check in one of (client’s name) files. It would have been put in (name three files here).”

Employee #2: “What do you mean?”

Employee #1: (who at this point is not sure if employee #2 is just being funny or not, so she checks) “Seriously?”

Employee #2: “I don’t know what you mean.”

Employee #1: “You need to check the file. The physical file.” (employee #1 walks up to employee #2 desk and picks up a file.) “The file that is in the accordion in the drawer…”

Employee #2: “You want me to look in the file?”

and I will end here as it is pretty much the same for about 3 more minutes. There was also an instance of incorrect filing in a binder with pockets, to which I said without an attempt to hide my incredulity, “Did you really not notice the pockets were upside down?” There is more stupid, but if you imagine that from two different employees, all day for three days, you can understand how much I was looking forward to my weekend.

Which I enjoyed. Thursday, after working on the house for a few hours in the morning, we enjoyed a relaxing afternoon with Heath’s family. Followed by a relaxing evening at home. Heath spent the rest of the weekend at the house working, while I spent most of the rest of the weekend at the house painting and washing tile. The part that was not spent in church or home sick.

But I did get to spend most of the weekend with my husband (I love you, Heath), avoid being run over by a semi (I love you, Subaru), and prove everyone who says you should not work so closely with your spouse wrong.

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