Tuesday, May 08, 2007


People often tell me that I am too nice. Let me start out by saying: I know that is not true. Incompetent people annoy me to no end and when I am annoyed, I get mean. Selfish people annoy me, also, and again, that makes me mean. There’s also stupid people, people with no common sense or analytical skills, and some little people--they all annoy me, also.

Part of my problem is that I don’t tell people when things are bothering me (the big things, anyway), especially if it is because of them. Usually, I figure that if whatever is bothering me is only going to happen once or twice, or if it is an undesired responsibility that is going to be shared, I’ll suck it up and get on with things--no big deal; if it’s limited. Except… I have found that for some reason, whether it be because I don’t voice my unhappiness or because other people find the same thing undesirable and decide not to take their turn, I deal with it more than originally planned, and by the time I realize this it is almost too late to say anything without seeming petty.

So instead I let it all build up until I break.

Then I get mean--and not the annoyed mean, the bear-going-after-food mean and I strongly suggest staying as far away from me as possible. And it doesn’t end after one instance, it actually gets worse; because I still don’t say what is really bothering me.

All I can say is I am thankful I married a man who is as annoyed by everyone else I am.

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