Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I don't have issues, I have the whole subscription...

I was tagged for a weird meme.

No, really, its a "seven weird things about me" meme (thanks Kathy I take this to mean you think I'm weird). My first thought was: "I only get seven?"

In preparation for this, I began to think about which of the many weird things about me I should list, and then I realized that I am not only weird, but suffer from OCD.

So, to start, I give you my desk. Complete with a drawer full of Clorox cleaning wipes, a swiffer duster, several different bottles of Purel and other lotion-y sanitizers, all of which are used at least once-a-day.

If you click on the picture, you can almost see the pictures on my desk

This is my desk. And now that I am looking at the picture I feel it is a bit untidy, and have the urge to reorganize! Even though two of the attorneys have been in trial for a week-and-a-half and it has been relatively quiet, I actually have a lot to do. However, I can't think with everything all over, so it all sits nicely piled in my in-box or a stack on my desk that I put in order of importance and keep pulling from the top throughout the day.

I am an organization freak. I love office supplies and accessories. Over half the items on my desk are literally mine. There is 1 particular item that is not on my desk yet that I must have. Michelle, are you reading this?? There is a really neat mesh organizer with little drawers and pencil cups on the side at The-Store-That-Must-Not-Be-Named. Have you seen this yet? I will post a picture soon!

Aside from my desk I have another table against the wall with the hanging shelves. Currently housing 6 stacks of paper (end-of-the-month-billing), which are driving me crazy.

And here is my "to be filed" pile (a little hard to see here, but it is in the basket on the little table. There was a lot of filing not getting done before I started and I'm still trying to get caught up. This area is a little messy and I hesitate to post this picture because now it is here, mocking me with its messiness.

Also, my office is not green. I don't have a digital camera, so I used my phone, and while I don't have lines running across my pictures, they are kind of green.

So, there it is. Weirdness #1 - I am an organizational freak. We went to the local office supply store twice in the last week so that I could pick up labels for my label maker (I love my label maker) and to pick up divider tabs for my binder that I am using at work.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for the remaining six.


Katherine said...

No, silly, I don't think you're weird. I think you're incredibly normal.

Just like the rest of us weirdos!

Anonymous said...

I for one thinks your desk is fine, However I must say I was sadden by the fact that when I clicked on the pictures for a larger view, I could not see the pictures of your poor sweet little kitten that I am sure you have on your desk.

Anonymous said...

Gee what do you expect? I guess the poor little kitten should consider itself lucky just to have a little back link mention to itself. Another anonymous

Katherine said...

Poor, sweet little kitten?

Have you met the demon cat?