Sunday, May 06, 2007

"Walked by the ocean, waited for a star"

It's Sunday night, almost 8:00, and I am not panicking about work tomorrow.

On Friday, I came up with a good idea, found and fixed an error (that wasn't mine), and figured out how to pay taxes--incorrectly at first, but I fixed that error, too.

On Saturday, I went in to work for my former boss (mostly because PL/Biller is stuck doing what was my job with very little training but she did it right so again I ask: Anyone want to hire her?) Talked to my former boss over the phone (she forgot she had an appointment and couldn't make it in--what a shame) for a few minutes in which she reiterated everything that happened that week, including finding out about a bench trial on Tuesday that I had not subpoena'd anyone for. Probably because I didn't know about it and to which I simply replied "Oh." I don't think she liked that.

Friday was, according to the person training me, a stressful day. I can handle that kind of stress. That was better than a good day at my former job!

Heath and I were discussing how we listen to other employees complain about how stressful their day was; comments like "I couldn't even take my break on time, I had to wait another half-hour" and we stand there thinking.... Break? I think I've heard of that.

Things are moving pretty quickly at work. Settling in nicely. It helps that I know what I'm doing. Now I just need to wait for the part-timer who is training me to move to the other facility so I can finish moving my stuff in. I cleaned up "our" desk and she seemed so lost. Probably best to save that til she's done training me.

And as for the cat, to whomever posted on "Green", he has been happy to see me when I come home on my lunch break. He has been extraordinarily cuddly and friendly. Except for when we are trying to sleep. I believe the hole currently reserved for Ms. A. (my grandma's cat--before anyone starts wondering) is soon to be filled by another cat if he doesn't allow my husband to sleep through the night.

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