Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Grumpiness and whatnot

For those of you who regularly check my blog, I apologize. But the fact is I have been grumpy lately. No. Not grumpy--freaking grumpy. So grumpy that I don't want to do anything. I don't want to deal with people, I don't want to deal with life, I just don't want to deal. My job is going well, busy and behind, but better than the last job, so that's not it. I have no idea what it is. But, since I currently run the risk of having no friends or family left talking to me when this grumpiness ends, I have chosen to not talk to anyone, or talk to them as little as possible. Sorry--but I hope you understand.

May the grumpiness stay far, far away from you all and not overwhelm you as it has me.

That's all I have to say.

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