Friday, April 06, 2007

Life-styles of Stressed-Out Felines

The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist.

Several of you have at least seen pictures of my cat so I can't say he's convinced you he does not exist, but he has obviously convinced you he is not the evil devil's spawn that he is.

Here is his story.

We got Cheyenne 1 week before our wedding. Short version: Mother and kittens were "dropped off" in a hospital dumpster where they were found and rescued (almost immediately, for those animal lovers out there gasping in sad horror). A week before our wedding we were playing cards with friends who had adopted 2 of the rescued kittens, and, well, who can resist teeny, tiny adorable kittens mewing helplessly at your feet? I picked them both up and they nestled into my hair and it was so adorable and cute and I got all maternal-like and just had to have an adorable-mewing-kitten-who-liked-to-wrap-up-in-my-hair of my own. So that very night we picked up one of the 2 kittens that were left, swung by a store to pick up all the essentials and began our journey as cat owners.

First thing you should know: I tend to be more of a dog person, Golden Retrievers are my favorite, but I like German Shepards, Huskies, etc., but I like (almost) all animals. I was raised in an environment that allowed for several pets (and some chickens) and I loved it (except the chickens--and roosters. Hey, you try getting on a school bus with chickens nearby, or try watering several dogs while running from a rooster, those things are mean.) Second oh-so-important note: We were supposed to be getting a female. They had 1 of each and they wanted to keep the male.

He is not a female.

We got him fixed like most people should unless you are willing to be responsible for the potentially numerous offspring, and declawed.

I'm not sure exactly what went wrong; maybe it was the night we dropped him off in a house with 3 screaming kids so we could go on our honeymoon. We had to pick him up after we received a call saying he was under the table and would not let anyone near him, including his kitty brother and sister whom he had only been separated from for a week. See, he has always been grumpy. It's not like he has abandonment issues.

Let us remember the time I had to get a tetanus shot and take antibiotics because he bit me. And the time he bit my mother-in-law after she had been feeding him all week while we were on vacation. Then there was the time the assistant at the vet almost dropped the cage when he made a cougar-like sound that had us all in stunned silence.

For you Cheyenne fans out there, you will note I have added a link to the "Green" post on the sidebar (now that it has become so popular, I wish I would have given it a better title), since my cat has somehow elicited your empathy. However, before your Cheyenne Crusade goes global, I would like to say that my cat, as annoying as he is, can be adorable and friendly and cuddly. As long as you pet him when he wants and how he wants, all is well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES the people had spoken! I was wondering if the story of this cute little kitten was going to be buried with time, or if the outcries of injustice would prevail and a voice would be heard for those who could not speak for themselves. Seldom does evil show it’s true self, but hides itself to hide in shame. I find two things surprising, One is it seems only to attack or try to drive away (or get away from) you, your friends, and your in-laws, you know, people who are trying to care or help it, huummmm, I guess it has never bother your husband, huuuummmm, or maybe you just forgot to mention it in your very detailed posting.
Two, I was surprised of your hating birds. Seems to of reminded me of something I read once. I tried to find the articles; spent hours going over the old books (both volumes) but can not find it yet. I am sure others out there can back me on this however. It seems in the old days when they had those pyramids, there was a King that was afraid of birds, I guess one pecked him once or something, I don’t remember now (maybe someone else does) so he turned to his wizard for help. The wizard had him dress his slaves in feathers and do the chicken dance around the king’s cat. This was done day and night, while the wizard chanted, until exhausted the cats fell of the shelf they were sitting on. From then on those cats, and their offspring hated birds and chased them away every chance they got. Hey don’t you and your hubby have feathered hats? A #1