Sunday, February 04, 2007

I'm evil, but only when you're depressed

Yes. I am back to mean Wanda. This, ironically, does coincide with the employee who thinks I am evil going off of her antidepressants again. Shocker.

On top of that, we did manage to lose an employee; however, it was one of the employees we wanted to keep. Now I am doing three jobs. My own, the job of the lady that is leaving (gone--Friday was her last day), and unfortunately I am still playing the role of babysitter.

As I try to figure how on earth I am possibly to manage this task, my mind went a little haywire this morning and within (literally) 10 minutes time I went from fine, to not being able to see, to full blown migraine. Then my husband proved once again that he is amazing. He jumped right into action, missed out on a long, hot shower on a cold winter morning and instead rushed through one in order to take my grandmother to church for me so she would not miss out on the lunch they were having today.

I assume there is no question as to why I love this man.

Aside from that he is still being wonderful to me even though I am a bit snippy. Trying not to think about work is almost as stressful as thinking about it.

The headache is gone now; I am dealing with the residual shaky, weak, disoriented feeling.

Hooray for work!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

I'm so sorry. I hope you're back to feeling better now.

(Work is currently giving me a twitch over my right eye. Lovely.)